Awards and Reviews
Thorugh out 22 years that we have been in business, we have gathered hundreds of awards and complimentary reviews. We are listed in all of the major travel guides. 'Mobil Travel Guide' has given us a three star rating for the past 16 years. As mentioned before, we are the only Indian Restaurant in the world to receive the 'Wine Spectator's' Award of Excellance. We are the only Indian restaurant in the country to receive Top Table Award from 'Gourmet Magazine'. Even though we have been running the restaurant for 22 years we are not resting on our laurels. We are constantly listening to our guests and striving to improve the dining experience. Our menu changes twice a year and we test many specials before they finally make the menu. Comments and suggestions are always greatly appreciated.

Sales and Marketing Management ( National ) - Readers Poll.

The top 100 restaurants in the nation for entering business clients. Excellant food in a beautiful victorian house, elegant atmosphere.

Williamette Week

Imagine sitting down to eat with the aristocracy of the British raj when they ruled the subcontinent and you will capture the feeling at Plainfields'. Fine China, cut glass and sterling silver hold the cuisine of the Indian Maharajas; crystal chandeliers send prisms of light bouncing off starched linen tableclothes. Fortunately, the food here probably supasses anything the hapless Brits ate. The condiments alone are worth a visit.

...abounds in evidence of expertise, intelligence and care....a diversity of fare, top quality ingredients, vivid flavors and attention to detail. one of the better stops we have made for dining out. It's entrees show imagination and expertise in their concept.

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